I actually like the drop ! The wub wub really is good here ;) I'm gonna put this on my spooky playlist right now 👍
I actually like the drop ! The wub wub really is good here ;) I'm gonna put this on my spooky playlist right now 👍
thanks :3
After hearing the first version of the song, I can say that this one is at least 10x better. The only downside of this song is that 01:52 to 01:58 feels a bit empty.
Goddamit man, the file got corrupted and FLS crashes when I try to open it :/
i guess stuff happens like that sometimes
More Two Meeps stuff :)) This draft version still sounds very good.
Why are you so underrated ;((
You legit deserve some more recognition.
The drop is so sick, I like it a lot. I love that the growl changes speed at each note :))
Thanks so much! And yeah, I put quite some work into the drop bass.
There are actually 3 basses playing at once, one sub-bas and two growl basses, one is an octave higher and plays much faster.
And this is where music theory comes in handy.
you know this song is a joke
This sound hella clean, especially for something made with 3xOSC ! (Never used that plugin personally) The only issue is the crappy mix in this :/
thx very much :)
funni mixign
Age 16, Female
Music Production
Le Mans Université
Joined on 10/3/21